150 lines
3.2 KiB
150 lines
3.2 KiB
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# libdice
``libdice`` is a small C library for rolling P&P style dice and for
evaluating dice expressions.
## Features
* Written in ANSI C99
* Uses solid and reliable RNG, no need for seeding
* Mathematic expression library for advanced dice rolling
## Dice syntax
Currently the supported syntax in ``libdice`` is rather limited. It only
supports variable amount, variable sides and fudge dice at the moment:
* Roll four six sided dices: ``4d6``
* Roll one twenty sided die: ``d20``
* Roll six fudge dice: ``6dF``
## Build
``libdice`` requires:
* libbsd (on systems without a native ``arc4random_uniform``)
* bison
* flex
* cmocka >= 1.0.1
* cmake
To build ``libdice`` run:
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install
## Dice API
The core api relies on ``dice_new`` which creates a new dice (or a set of dice),
which is then freed by ``dice_free``. Dice can be initialised through the proper
``dice_set`` function, or by using either ``dice_simple`` or ``dice_parse``:
#include <dice.h>
dice_t d = dice_new();
dice_set(d, DICEOPTION_AMOUNT, 4);
dice_set(d, DICEOPTION_SIDES, 6);
/* or simpler:
* d = dice_simple(4, 6);
printf("%ld\n", dice_roll(d));
There is also an easier API:
dice_t d20 = dice_simple(1, 20);
printf("%ld\n", dice_roll(d20));
And a more advanced API:
dice_t d = dice_simple(4, 6);
dice_result_t *res = NULL;
size_t reslen = 0, i = 0;
if (!dice_evaluate(d, &res, &reslen)) {
goto fail;
for (; i < reslen; i++) {
printf("%ld\n", res[i].result);
dice_result_freev(res, reslen);
You can also parse dice strings:
dice_t d20 = dice_new();
if (!dice_parse(d20, "5d20")) {
char const *err = NULL;
dice_get(d20, DICEOPTION_ERROR, &err);
fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", err);
printf("%ld\n", dice_roll(d20));
## Expression API
The expression API supports multiple die within one mathematical expression.
Expressions are parsed using [tinyexpr](https://github.com/codeplea/tinyexpr)
library. The API works with objects of the type ``dice_expression_t``, which
are allocated using ``dice_expression_new``, and must be freed by using
``dice_expression_free``. Expressions in the format of a C string, can be
parsed by using ``dice_expression_parse``, and a result can be evaluated
by using ``dice_expression_roll``.
int error = 0;
char const *expr = "1d20+8+4+3-1";
dice_expression_t e = dice_expression_new();
int64_t result = 0;
if (!dice_expression_parse(e, expr, &err)) {
fprintf(stderr, "error in expression: \"%s\": at %d\n", expr, err);
goto fail;
if (!dice_expression_roll(e, &result)) {
goto fail;
printf("%ld\n", result);
## Copyright
``libdice`` is dual licenced. The ``tinyexpr`` is licenced under the zlib
licence (see ``LICENSE.tinyexpr``), and the rest of ``libdice`` is available
under the LGPLv3.
``tinyexpr`` Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Lewis Van Winkle
``libdice`` Copyright (C) 2018 Florian Stinglmayr