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+# NonaBGS
+This tool is meant to help people contributing to the Novay Navy BGS effor to create
+BGS reports. The tool allows you to configure BGS objectives, and will then parse your
+player journal for tasks you completed relating to that BGS objective. Once the JSON
+player journal has been parsed, you may then generate a BGS report for the Nova Navy
+Source code is available [here](https://git.aror.org/florian/nonabgs).
+## How To
+![Main Window Objectives](main-objectives.png)
+Use the main tab to add objectives to the program. To do this, insert the system name,
+faction, and, optionally, a station. Then press "Add Objective". You can find this
+information in the Nova Navy discord, in the "daily objectives" channel. Objectives can
+be deleted by selecting them and pressing the "DEL" key.
+Once you have your objectives have been configured, you can press "Parse Journal", which
+will check your Elite Dangerous player journal for completed missions. Currently the tool
+recognises the following completed tasks:
+* Completed missions
+* Vouchers, including bounty vouchers, combat bonds, and settlement vouchers (aka intel packages)
+* Selling of micro resources (Odyssey only)
+* Selling cartography data
+Please note that cartography data, micro resources, and vouchers only help the controlling faction
+of a station. The tool is clever enough to exclude these if the station you turn them in at, is not
+controlled by the faction you specified in the objective.
+![Main Window with entries](main-entries.png)
+The window will then list all the journal entries it has found, and group them by objectives. You
+can remove individual entries (if you think the tool detected soemthing you thought was wrong), by
+selecting the entry, and pressing the "DEL" key.
+Once you are satisfied with the result, move to "Discord Report" tab, and click "Generate Report".
+![Generated Report](main-report.png)
+The resulting discord report is kept in the Nova Navy format. Before you copy/paste it into the
+Nova Navy discord, you should check the log. You can of course edit it, if something is wrong
+or the tool itself missed something.
+## Nothing's Perfect
+The tool itself is still a work in progress, and it might miss something. If you think the tool
+missed a task you have done, please contact `CMDR Hekateh` on the Nova Navy discord. It would be
+helpful if you included the JSON player journal. This player journal can be found here:
+%userprofile%\saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\
+## About
+This tool was made by CMDR Hekateh (Discord: `nola#2457`) of the Nova Navy.
+Long live the Empire.
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