#include <dc/channel.h> #include "internal.h" struct dc_channel_ { dc_refable_t ref; dc_channel_type_t type; /* snowflake of the channel */ char *id; /* Guild ID this channel belongs to, may be NULL */ char *guild_id; /* Name of the channel */ char *name; /* Slaneeshi filth? */ bool nsfw; /* ID of last message in the channel */ char *last_message_id; /* list of recipients, array of dc_account_t */ GPtrArray *recipients; /* Snowflake of the owner */ char *owner_id; /* ID of the parent channel or bot */ char *parent_id; /* application ID of the group DM creator if it is bot-created */ char *application_id; GPtrArray *messages; }; static void dc_channel_free(dc_channel_t c) { return_if_true(c == NULL,); free(c->id); free(c->guild_id); free(c->name); free(c->last_message_id); free(c->owner_id); free(c->parent_id); free(c->application_id); if (c->recipients != NULL) { g_ptr_array_unref(c->recipients); c->recipients = NULL; } if (c->messages != NULL) { g_ptr_array_unref(c->messages); c->messages = NULL; } free(c); } dc_channel_t dc_channel_new(void) { dc_channel_t c = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dc_channel_)); return_if_true(c == NULL, NULL); c->ref.cleanup = (dc_cleanup_t)dc_channel_free; c->recipients = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func( (GDestroyNotify)dc_unref ); c->messages = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func( (GDestroyNotify)dc_unref ); return dc_ref(c); } dc_channel_t dc_channel_from_json(json_t *j) { json_t *v = NULL; dc_channel_t c = dc_channel_new(); goto_if_true(!json_is_object(j), error); v = json_object_get(j, "id"); goto_if_true(v == NULL || !json_is_string(v), error); c->id = strdup(json_string_value(v)); v = json_object_get(j, "type"); goto_if_true(v == NULL || !json_is_integer(v), error); c->type = json_integer_value(v); v = json_object_get(j, "guild_id"); if (v != NULL && json_is_string(v)) { c->guild_id = strdup(json_string_value(v)); } v = json_object_get(j, "name"); if (v == NULL && json_is_string(v)) { c->name = strdup(json_string_value(v)); } v = json_object_get(j, "nsfw"); if (v != NULL && json_is_boolean(v)) { c->nsfw = json_boolean_value(v); } v = json_object_get(j, "last_message_id"); if (v != NULL && json_is_string(v)) { c->last_message_id = strdup(json_string_value(v)); } v = json_object_get(j, "owner_id"); if (v != NULL && json_is_string(v)) { c->owner_id = strdup(json_string_value(v)); } v = json_object_get(j, "parent_id"); if (v != NULL && json_is_string(v)) { c->parent_id = strdup(json_string_value(v)); } v = json_object_get(j, "application_id"); if (v != NULL && json_is_string(v)) { c->application_id = strdup(json_string_value(v)); } v = json_object_get(j, "recipients"); if (v != NULL && json_is_array(v)) { json_t *i = NULL; size_t idx = 0; json_array_foreach(v, idx, i) { dc_account_t a = dc_account_from_json(i); if (a != NULL) { g_ptr_array_add(c->recipients, a); } } } return c; error: dc_unref(c); return NULL; } json_t *dc_channel_to_json(dc_channel_t c) { json_t *j = NULL; return_if_true(c->id == NULL, NULL); j = json_object(); return_if_true(j == NULL, NULL); /* I was so close in making a J_SET() macro for my lazy ass. */ json_object_set_new(j, "id", json_string(c->id)); json_object_set_new(j, "type", json_integer(c->type)); /* TODO: tribool to see if it was actually set, or assume "false" * is a sane default and continue on. */ json_object_set_new(j, "nsfw", json_boolean(c->nsfw)); if (c->guild_id != NULL) { json_object_set_new(j, "guild_id", json_string(c->guild_id)); } if (c->name != NULL) { json_object_set_new(j, "name", json_string(c->name)); } if (c->last_message_id != NULL) { json_object_set_new(j, "last_message_id", json_string(c->last_message_id)); } if (c->owner_id != NULL) { json_object_set_new(j, "owner_id", json_string(c->owner_id)); } if (c->parent_id != NULL) { json_object_set_new(j, "parent_id", json_string(c->parent_id)); } if (c->application_id != NULL) { json_object_set_new(j, "application_id", json_string(c->application_id)); } if (c->recipients != NULL && c->recipients->len > 0) { size_t i = 0; json_t *arr = json_array(); for (i = 0; i < c->recipients->len; i++) { dc_account_t acc = g_ptr_array_index(c->recipients, i); json_t *a = dc_account_to_json(acc); if (a != NULL) { json_array_append_new(arr, a); } } json_object_set_new(j, "recipients", arr); } return j; } char const *dc_channel_id(dc_channel_t c) { return_if_true(c == NULL, NULL); return c->id; } dc_channel_type_t dc_channel_type(dc_channel_t c) { return_if_true(c == NULL, -1); return c->type; } void dc_channel_set_type(dc_channel_t c, dc_channel_type_t t) { return_if_true(c == NULL,); c->type = t; } size_t dc_channel_recipients(dc_channel_t c) { return_if_true(c == NULL || c->recipients == NULL, 0); return c->recipients->len; } dc_account_t dc_channel_nthrecipient(dc_channel_t c, size_t i) { return_if_true(c == NULL || c->recipients == NULL, NULL); return_if_true(i >= c->recipients->len, NULL); return g_ptr_array_index(c->recipients, i); } void dc_channel_addrecipient(dc_channel_t c, dc_account_t a) { return_if_true(c == NULL || a == NULL,); g_ptr_array_add(c->recipients, dc_ref(a)); } size_t dc_channel_messages(dc_channel_t c) { return_if_true(c == NULL || c->messages == NULL, 0); return c->messages->len; } dc_message_t dc_channel_nthmessage(dc_channel_t c, size_t i) { return_if_true(c == NULL || c->messages == NULL, NULL); return_if_true(i >= c->messages->len, NULL); return g_ptr_array_index(c->messages, i); } void dc_channel_addmessages(dc_channel_t c, dc_message_t *m, size_t s) { return_if_true(c == NULL || c->messages == NULL,); return_if_true(m == NULL || s == 0,); size_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { g_ptr_array_add(c->messages, dc_ref(m[i])); } g_ptr_array_sort(c->messages, (GCompareFunc)dc_message_compare); }