--- monster: name: Winter Wolf type: Magical Beast size: large hd: 6d10+18 initiative: 5 speed: 50 ac: full: 15 bonus: natural: 5 bab: 6 grapple: 14 attacks: - name: Bite bonus: 10 damage: 1d8+6+1d6 - name: Breath Weapon damage: 4d6 save: dc: 16 type: reflex based: constitution special: - Breath weapon - Freezing bite - Trip - Darkvision 60 ft. - Immunity to cold - Low-light vision - Scent - Vulnerability to fire space: 10 reach: 5 feats: - Alertness - Improved Initiative - Track saves: fortitude: 5 reflex: 5 will: 2 attributes: strength: 18 dexterity: 13 constitution: 16 intelligence: 9 wisdom: 13 charisma: 10 adjustment: 3 alignment: Neutral Evil cr: 5 loot: gold: 0.10 goods: 0.5 items: 0.5 advancement: medium: 1d3+6 large: 1d9+9 description: >- Dangerous predators of the tundra and other chill regions, winter wolves pursue prey relentlessly. They rarely give up the chase until they bring down their quarry. Winter wolves are more intelligent than their smaller cousins, and sometimes associate with other evil creatures of their cold homelands, such as frost giants, whom they serve as scouts, hunters and trackers. A winter wolf grows about 8 feet long and stands about 4-1/2 feet at the shoulder. It weighs about 450 pounds. Winter wolves can speak Giant and Common. # EOF