--- monster: name: Rust Monster type: Aberration size: medium hd: 5d8+5 initiative: 3 speed: 40 ac: full: 18 bab: 3 grapple: 3 attacks: - name: Antannae Touch bonus: 3 damage: 1 - name: Bite bonus: -3 damage: 1d3 special: - Rust space: 5 reach: 5 feats: - Alertness - Track saves: fortitude: 2 reflex: 4 will: 5 attributes: strength: 10 dexterity: 17 constitution: 13 intelligence: 2 wisdom: 13 charisma: 8 adjustment: 3 alignment: Neutral cr: 3 advancement: medium: 1d3+5 large: 1d6+8 description: >- This creature seems to be about the size of a pony. It has four insectlike legs and a squat humped body protected bya thick lumpy hide. Its tail is covered with armour plates and ends in a bony projection that looks like a double ended paddle. The creature sports two long antennae on its head, one beneath each eye. # EOF