using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using EDJournal; namespace EliteBGS.BGS { public class GenericDiscordLog : IDiscordLogGenerator { private string FormatDate() { DateTime today = DateTime.Now; return today.ToShortDateString(); } private string BuildCartoGraphics(Objective objective) { var total = from entries in objective.LogEntries where entries.GetType() == typeof(Cartographics) select entries ; var pages = total.Count(); var sum = total.Sum(x => (x as Cartographics).TotalSum); if (pages <= 0 || sum <= 0) { return ""; } return string.Format("Sold {0} page(s) worth of universal cartographics\n" + "(Total value: {1})\n", pages, Credits.FormatCredits(sum)); } private string BuildCargoSold(Objective objective) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); SellCargo[] sold = objective.LogEntries .OfType<SellCargo>() .ToArray() ; if (sold == null && sold.Length > 0) { return builder.ToString(); } foreach (SellCargo sell in sold) { builder.AppendFormat("{0}\n", sell.ToString()); } builder.AppendFormat("\n"); return builder.ToString(); } private string BuildMicroResourcesSold(Objective objective) { var total = from entries in objective.LogEntries where entries.GetType() == typeof(SellMicroResources) select entries ; var sum = total.Sum(x => (x as SellMicroResources).TotalSum); if (sum <= 0) { return ""; } return string.Format("Sold {0} worth of Micro Resources\n", Credits.FormatCredits(sum)); } private string BuildKillBonds(Objective objective) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); FactionKillBonds[] bonds = objective.LogEntries .OfType<FactionKillBonds>() .ToArray() ; if (bonds == null || bonds.Length == 0) { return builder.ToString(); } foreach (FactionKillBonds bond in bonds) { builder.AppendFormat("{0}\n", bond.ToString()); } builder.AppendFormat("\n"); return builder.ToString(); } private string BuildVouchers(Objective objective) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); var missions = from entries in objective.LogEntries where entries.GetType() == typeof(Vouchers) select entries ; if (missions == null || missions.Count() <= 0) { return ""; } foreach (var mission in missions) { var m = mission as Vouchers; builder.AppendFormat("Handed in {0} vouchers for {1}\n", m.Type, m.Faction); builder.AppendFormat("(Total value: {0})\n", Credits.FormatCredits(m.TotalSum)); builder.AppendFormat("\n"); } return builder.ToString(); } private string BuildFailedMissions(Objective objective) { MissionFailed[] missions = objective.LogEntries.OfType<MissionFailed>().ToArray(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (missions.Length <= 0) { return ""; } foreach (MissionFailed failed in missions) { MissionFailedEntry f = failed.Failed; builder.AppendFormat("Failed mission \"{0}\"\n", f.HumanReadableName == null ? f.Name : f.HumanReadableName ); } return builder.ToString(); } private string BuildMissionList(Objective objective) { Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> collated = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>(); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); int total_influence = 0; var missions = from entries in objective.LogEntries where entries.GetType() == typeof(MissionCompleted) select entries ; if (missions == null) { return ""; } foreach (MissionCompleted m in missions) { if (!collated.ContainsKey(m.MissionName)) { collated[m.MissionName] = new Dictionary<string, int>(); } if (!collated[m.MissionName].ContainsKey(m.Influence)) { collated[m.MissionName][m.Influence] = 0; } ++collated[m.MissionName][m.Influence]; total_influence += m.Influence.Length; } foreach (var mission in collated) { if (objective.Faction != null) { output.AppendFormat("{0}\n", mission.Key); } else { output.AppendFormat("{0}\n", mission.Key); } output.Append("("); foreach (var influence in mission.Value.OrderBy(x => x.Key.Length)) { output.AppendFormat("Inf{0} x{1}, ", influence.Key, influence.Value); } output.Remove(output.Length - 2, 2); // remove last ", " output.Append(")\n\n"); } if (total_influence > 0) { output.AppendFormat("Total Influence: {0}\n\n", total_influence); } return output.ToString(); } private string BuildCombatZones(Objective objective) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); CombatZone[] zones = objective.LogEntries .OfType<CombatZone>() .ToArray() ; if (zones == null || zones.Length == 0) { return builder.ToString(); } foreach (CombatZone zone in zones) { builder.AppendFormat("{0}\n", zone.ToString()); } builder.Append("\n"); return builder.ToString(); } public string GenerateDiscordLog(Report report) { StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var objective in report.Objectives) { if (objective.LogEntries.Count <= 0) { continue; } log.AppendFormat("**Date:** {0}\n", FormatDate()); log.AppendFormat("**Location:** {0}\n", objective.ToShortString()); log.AppendFormat("**Faction:** {0}\n", objective.Faction); log.Append("\n"); log.Append("```\n"); StringBuilder entries = new StringBuilder(); var missions = BuildMissionList(objective); entries.Append(missions); var failed = BuildFailedMissions(objective); entries.Append(failed); var vouchers = BuildVouchers(objective); entries.Append(vouchers); var zones = BuildCombatZones(objective); entries.Append(zones); var bonds = BuildKillBonds(objective); entries.Append(bonds); var carto = BuildCartoGraphics(objective); entries.Append(carto); var micro = BuildMicroResourcesSold(objective); entries.Append(micro); var sold = BuildCargoSold(objective); entries.Append(sold); log.Append(entries.ToString().Trim()); log.Append("\n```\n"); } return log.ToString(); } } }