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# Fody - auto-generated XML schema
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+ Always
+ Always
+ PreserveNewest
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- Always
- Always
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+# EliteBGS
+This tool is meant to help people contributing to the BGS effort to create BGS reports.
+The tool allows you to configure BGS objectives, and will then parse your player journal
+for tasks you completed relating to that BGS objective. Once the JSON player journal has
+been parsed, you may then generate a BGS report you can copy/paste into Discord.
+Source code is available [here](https://git.aror.org/florian/elitebgs).
+Binary downloads can be found here: [https://bgs.n0la.org/](https://bgs.n0la.org/).
+## How To
+![Main Window Objectives](main-objectives.png)
+Use the main tab to add objectives to the program. To do this, insert the system name,
+faction, and, optionally, a station. Then press "Add Objective". Objectives can be deleted
+by selecting them and pressing the "DEL" key. Manually added objectives like this are
+enabled by default. You can always enable, and disable an objective by checking the box
+next to its name. Disabled objectives are not included in the BGS discord log generation.
+Once you have your objectives have been configured, you can press "Parse Journal", which
+will check your Elite Dangerous player journal for completed missions. Currently the tool
+recognises the following completed tasks:
+* Buying of cargo from stations (new in Update 10)
+* Completed missions
+* Failed missions
+* Murders
+* Search and Rescue contributions
+* Selling cartography data
+* Selling of cargo to stations
+* Selling of micro resources (Odyssey only)
+* Selling of organic data (Odyssey only)
+* Vouchers, including bounty vouchers, combat bonds, and settlement vouchers (aka intel packages)
+Vouchers help the faction that is listed for them. If said faction is not present in the
+current system, then there is no BGS impact. So the tool looks for all system factions, and
+makes sure that your vouchers actually have a BGS impact, otherwise it won't list them.
+Selling cargo attempts to discern the profit and/or loss, which is helpful to gauge BGS
+impact. But the player journal does not tell the amount of profit in the sell message.
+So the tool looks for a buy a message related to the same commodity, and calculates loss
+and/or profit from that. If the buy of the commodity is not within the time and date range,
+or some other shenanigans happen that the tool does not yet support, the profit/loss could
+be wrong. You can use the "Adjust Trade Profit" button to manually adjust the trade profit,
+or you could simply edit the discord log manually.
+Please note that cartography data, and micro resources only help the controlling faction
+of a station. The tool is clever enough to exclude these if the station you turn them in at, is not
+controlled by the faction you specified in the objective.
+Some missions may show up having zero influence for the given faction. This happens if you do
+missions for a faction which is currently in an election state. You do not gain influence for
+the faction so the influence reads as zero. But you contribute towards the election, so the
+missions are selected anyway.
+There is no entry in the journal if you win a combat zone. So you have to add those manually. Select
+an objective for which you wish to log a combat zone. The faction in the objective, must be the
+faction you fought for in the combat zone. Then click "Add Combat Zone Win". Select type,
+either "On Foot" for Odyssey, or "Ship" for regular ones. Then select the grade (low, medium or
+high), and how many you won. Then press "Accept". Select "Cancel" to abort. You can of course remove
+the combat zone entries by selecting them, and pressing "DEL".
+If you deliberately fail a mission (to log negative INF towards a faction), the tool cannot detect
+it, if the day you accepted the mission is outside of the given date range. It needs the journal
+entry where you accept the mission to connect the mission to a faction, system and station. The tool
+will warn you if this happens, with a message in the error log in the fourth tab.
+When committing murder, the journal entry contains the faction information of the faction that gave
+you the bounty. And not the faction of the victim. The tool will look for an event in which you
+scanned your victim, and gleem the victim's faction from that. If you did not scan your victim, then
+sadly the tool cannot connect the victim's faction to the victim.
+![Main Window with entries](main-entries.png)
+The window will then list all the journal entries it has found, and group them by objectives. You
+can select which objectives you wish to report, by using the checkmarks.
+You can exclude a specific entry within an objective by deselecting the checkbox next to them.
+This way said entry will not appear in the final log. You can also remove individual entries
+(if you think the tool detected something you thought was wrong), by selecting the entry,
+and pressing the "DEL" key.
+Once you are satisfied with the result, move to "Discord Report" tab, select a template, and click
+"Generate Report".
+![Generated Report](main-report.png)
+Before you copy/paste it into the discord of your squadron, you should check the log. You can of
+course edit it, if something is wrong or the tool itself missed something.
+## Known Issues and Bugs
+### Settlement Vouchers
+Settlement vouchers (aka Intel Packages) help every faction aligned with the given superpower.
+So if you turn in an Imperial intel package on an imperial station, all factions aligned with
+the Empire will gain a bit of INF boost. The tool currently cannot handle that. All intel packages
+are displayed instead.
+### Bugged bounty vouchers
+Sometimes bounty vouchers are not properly recognised. This is a bug in the player journal, where
+the faction information is not properly written out in the journal:
+ "timestamp":"2021-10-07T14:57:50Z", "event":"RedeemVoucher",
+ "Type":"bounty", "Amount":20750,
+ "Factions":[ { "Faction":"", "Amount":500 }, { "Faction":"", "Amount":20250 }]
+Since the tool does not know for which faction these bounties were redeemed for, it cannot assign
+it to an objective.
+### Combat Zones
+The player journal currently does not make an entry when you win or lose a combat zone. This is a
+an ommission from FDev:
+* [https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/43509](https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/43509)
+Please upvote the issue to get it fixed. Until then, you have to add combat zone wins manually.
+### On-Foot NPC givers
+Up until update 13 missions accepted from NPCs in Odyssey concourses do not get a player journal entry.
+This has been fixed in update 13. Any on foot missions from NPCs accepted before update 13, do not have
+an entry in the player journal.
+### Failed vs. Abandoned Missions
+The tool also currently cannot differentiate between missions you have abandoned in the transaction
+tab before it was completed, and those that you have failed - either delibaretly or by time-out. So
+it will find and add them all, and you simply can remove those that you have abandoned manually.
+### Influence given to empty/non-existent faction
+Sometimes the log will state that it gave positive or negative influence to a faction, but the
+faction name is empty:
+ "FactionEffects": [
+ {
+ "Faction": "",
+ "Effects": [
+ {
+ "Effect": "$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_down;",
+ "Effect_Localised": "The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has declined in the $#System; system.",
+ "Trend": "DownBad"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Influence": [
+ {
+ "SystemAddress": 251012319587,
+ "Trend": "DownBad",
+ "Influence": "+"
+ }
+ ],
+ "ReputationTrend": "DownBad",
+ "Reputation": "+"
+ }
+This happens for example if you do a scan/heist mission from a surface POI, but no one owns said
+surface POI. Randomly generated surface POIs sometimes have no owner, and said non-existant owner
+then gets the negative influence.
+### Mission Completed but no one gains influence
+Sometimes missions are completed but no one gains any influence:
+ "timestamp": "2022-02-25T21:30:45Z",
+ "event": "MissionCompleted",
+ "Faction": "Social LHS 6103 Confederation",
+ "Name": "Mission_Courier_Elections_name",
+ "MissionID": 850025233,
+ "TargetFaction": "Delphin Blue Federal PLC",
+ "DestinationSystem": "Delphin",
+ "DestinationStation": "Aristotle Orbital",
+ "Reward": 122300,
+ "FactionEffects": [
+ {
+ "Faction": "Social LHS 6103 Confederation",
+ "Effects": [
+ {
+ "Effect": "$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;",
+ "Effect_Localised": "The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.",
+ "Trend": "UpGood"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Influence": [],
+ "ReputationTrend": "UpGood",
+ "Reputation": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "Faction": "Delphin Blue Federal PLC",
+ "Effects": [],
+ "Influence": [],
+ "ReputationTrend": "UpGood",
+ "Reputation": "+"
+ }
+ ]
+Here the is known that at the time of completion the Confederation was in an Election and could not
+have gained any influence regardless. It is unclear whether this also holds true for Delphin Blue
+Federal PLC. So to be save, the tool assumes that if no influence was gained for the source faction,
+it still has to make an entry for the source system. The same applies for the target faction: if no
+influence is gained for the target faction, still add an entry for the target faction in the missions
+target system.
+Since it is not possible to differentiate between missions that give no influence no matter what, and
+no influence gained because of an election, we have to assume it *gave* influence and let the user
+decide whether it was because of an election, or not.
+Future tool versions should probably take faction states into account in such matters.
+## Nothing's Perfect
+The tool itself is still a work in progress, and it might miss something. If you think the tool
+missed a task you have done, please contact `Hekateh` on the Elite Dangerous community discord.
+It would be helpful if you included the JSON player journal. This player journal can be found here:
+%userprofile%\saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\
+## Build Dependencies
+Handling of Elite Dangerous player journals have been moved to a separate project called `EDJournal`.
+Its source can be found [here](https://git.aror.org/florian/edjournal). This project simply depends
+on the binary DLL that `EDJournal` builds.
+The project also requires `Ookii.Dialogs.WPF` controls, which contains the auto complete text box.
+And of course, `Newtonsoft.Json` as the JSON parser.
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+## FAQ
+Most frequently asked questions:
+### Windows complains that it does not wish to run the application, what gives?
+The tool contains no viruses, but it is not seen as "trustworthy". You can however
+right-click EliteBGS.exe and "Unblock" the application.
+### Does this work for console players?
+Sorry, no. Console players don't have a player journal per se, and the tool does
+not support Frontier Commander API.
+### Why won't the tool start anymore?
+Open the file explorer, and go to the path `%AppData%`. Once there, delete the
+folder called `EliteBGS` to delete the tool's configuration and cache. If it
+still doesn't work, contact me directly.
+### I pressed 'Download Data' and it is hanging now and won't respond. Help?
+Go and delete the `EliteBGS` folder as described above to undo that action.
+Also please upgrade to version 0.1.3, where this feature was removed for
+exactly this reason.
+### Why is it unable to find my player journal?
+Usually your player journal lives in the Saved Games folder in your home
+directory. If, for some reason, this doesn't match up, you can point the
+tool towards your player journal in the third tab.
+### Why do some of the objective not show up in the final discord log?
+Only objectives with the little checkbox enabled show up there. Those
+that the tool generates by itself are not enabled per default.
+### Can I delete an objective or an entry?
+Click on an objective or entry and press the Delete key.
+### I deleted something I didn't want to. What now?
+Just press "Parse Journal" again, and the tool will generate all
+the entries again.
+### What are micro resources?
+Odyssey cargo that you sell at the bartender. Just like normal cargo,
+they aid the controlling faction of the station where you sold them.
+### Why are missions accepted in a concourse or in a settlement from an NPC missing?
+Because up until Update 13, they did not show up in player journal. This should
+now be fixed.
+### Some mission names are weird. What gives?
+That's because the tool uses the game generated mission name, if it doesn't
+have a clean and nice mission name on file for the certain mission type. The
+fourth tab "Event Log" should have an entry about it, so please post those
+names into this channel.
+### Some missions say they have 0 influence?
+That happens for missions that aid an Election. The faction in question does
+not gain influence during an election, as influence is locked during conflicts.
+But since you are contributing towards the election win of that faction,
+the tool picks them anyway.
+### Why are some failed missions not showing up?
+The time span you specify must include the day where you accepted the mission,
+as well as the day where you failed the mission. Otherwise the tool cannot handle
+that failed mission.
+### The tool complains about missing factions for an NPC I murdered.
+The player journal only tells the faction that issued the bounty upon murder, and
+not the faction of the NPC killed. The tool has to fetch that from you scanning the
+hip. If you didn't fully scan the ship before murdering it, the tool won't know
+the faction of the NPC.
+### Why does cartography data, and sold cargo show up for the wrong faction, but for the right station/system?
+Because they only aid the controlling faction of the station.
+### Why are some of my bounty vouchers missing?
+Sometimes, due to a bug, the bounty vouchers in the journal have no faction information
+associated with them. Here the tool simply cannot associate the vouchers to a faction
+or station. If you are sure they aided in BGS, simply add them by editing the Discord
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+# EliteBGS
+EliteBGS is a Windows desktop application, that helps you sum up your BGS related actions.
+It then creates a report from your actions, so you can post it your Squadron's discord.
+## Origins
+The tool originated from the [Nova Navy](https://inara.cz/elite/squadron/5058/), which required
+BGS contributions to be posted to the Navy's discord, in a very specific format. Writing those
+logs manually was a lot of work, so CMDR Hekateh created a tool to automate this process.
+## Overview
+EliteBGS reads through your player journal for BGS relevant activity, and sorts them into
+"categories". These are based upon the star system, station and the faction for which the
+action was taken. So for example if you contributed bounty vouchers for Nova Paresa in
+Paresa, but also did some missions for Nova Paresa in Adachit, those actions will be
+split into two categories.
+You can then select which of the two actions goes into the final log.
+### What it detects:
+* Buying of cargo from stations (BGS relevant since Update 10)
+* Completed missions
+* Failed missions
+* Murders
+* Search and Rescue contributions
+* Selling cartography data
+* Selling of cargo to stations
+* Selling of micro resources (Odyssey only)
+* Selling of organic data (Odyssey only)
+* Vouchers, including bounty vouchers, combat bonds, and settlement vouchers (aka intel packages)
+### What it does not detect:
+* Combat zone wins, and its objectives
+* Megaship scenarios
+* On foot missions accepted by NPCs in stations (pre Update 13)
+* Murders of NPCs you haven't fully scanned
+## Open Source
+The tool itself is Open Source, licenced unter the GPLv3.
+The source code can be found here:
+* [https://git.aror.org/florian/EliteBGS](https://git.aror.org/florian/EliteBGS)
+It requires a separate library, called EDJournal, which is also open source:
+* [https://git.aror.org/florian/edjournal](https://git.aror.org/florian/edjournal)
+## Downloads
+The latest version of EliteBGS **0.1.5** is available for download here:
+* [https://bgs.n0la.org/elitebgs-0.1.5.zip](https://bgs.n0la.org/elitebgs-0.1.5.zip)
+Older versions are available in the archive:
+* [https://bgs.n0la.org/archive/](https://bgs.n0la.org/archive/)
+## Contact
+I can be reached over discord: `nola#2457`
+Or by joining either the [Salus Invicta](https://discord.com/invite/FeEtjqBRkg) or the
+[Nova Navy](https://discord.gg/WEJeFQw) discord.
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+site_name: EliteBGS
+ - pymdownx.snippets:
+ check_paths: true
+ name: lumen
+ - Overview: 'index.md'
+ - "Detailed Description": 'description.md'
+ - FAQ: 'faq.md'
+ - Changelog: 'CHANGELOG.md'