# BGS Oddities

This file gathers BGS related oddities, as well as bugs within the player journal.

## Bounty Vouchers without factions

Somtimes bounty vouchers do not have faction information listed in them. It is unclear
what caused this bug, and it is also unclear whether this bug still persists within
the game:

  "timestamp":"2021-10-07T14:57:50Z", "event":"RedeemVoucher", 
  "Type":"bounty", "Amount":20750, 
  "Factions":[ { "Faction":"", "Amount":500 }, { "Faction":"", "Amount":20250 }]

## Combat zones

Combat zones receive no mention within the player journal whatsoever. There is no event
when one is lost, or won, or what sort of difficulty it was. It is technically possible
to deduce combat zones from the text messages you receive from the combat coordinators.

## Influence given to empty/non-existant factions

Mission can give negative reputation and influence to an non-faction. This happens when
you affect an asset that is not owned by anyone. For example, randomly generated surface
POIs sometimes do not have an owner. If you receive a scan, infiltrate, or sabotage mission
for such a POI, the non-existant owner receives negative influence, and you damage your
reputation with that non-existant owner:

 "FactionEffects": [
      "Faction": "",
      "Effects": [
          "Effect": "$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_down;",
          "Effect_Localised": "The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has declined in the $#System; system.",
          "Trend": "DownBad"
      "Influence": [
          "SystemAddress": 251012319587,
          "Trend": "DownBad",
          "Influence": "+"
      "ReputationTrend": "DownBad",
      "Reputation": "+"

## No influence given to target or source faction

Sometimes neither the target faction, nor the source faction receive any influence. This
can happen because either the target faction, or the source faction - or both - are
currently in a conflict, and thus cannot receive any influence at the moment.

Systems that are influence locked also do not hand out influence to its factions.

  "timestamp": "2022-02-25T21:30:45Z",
  "event": "MissionCompleted",
  "Faction": "Social LHS 6103 Confederation",
  "Name": "Mission_Courier_Elections_name",
  "MissionID": 850025233,
  "TargetFaction": "Delphin Blue Federal PLC",
  "DestinationSystem": "Delphin",
  "DestinationStation": "Aristotle Orbital",
  "Reward": 122300,
  "FactionEffects": [
      "Faction": "Social LHS 6103 Confederation",
      "Effects": [
          "Effect": "$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;",
          "Effect_Localised": "The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.",
          "Trend": "UpGood"
      "Influence": [],
      "ReputationTrend": "UpGood",
      "Reputation": "+"
      "Faction": "Delphin Blue Federal PLC",
      "Effects": [],
      "Influence": [],
      "ReputationTrend": "UpGood",
      "Reputation": "+"

## Megaship scan missions both marked as abandoned and failed

Megaship missions that bug out, may both be marked as "abandoned", and "failed". It is
unclear which of these two counts. A failed mission has negative BGS implications, whereas
an abandoned mission should not.

{ "timestamp":"2022-11-09T07:33:08Z", "event":"Missions", "Active":[ { "MissionID":899075054, "Name":"Mission_HackMegaship_name",
  "PassengerMission":false, "Expires":51072 }, { "MissionID":899075080, "Name":"Mission_HackMegaship_name",
  "PassengerMission":false, "Expires":51072 } ], "Failed":[  ], "Complete":[  ] }

{ "timestamp":"2022-11-09T08:23:59Z", "event":"MissionAbandoned", "Name":"Mission_HackMegaship_name", "MissionID":899075054 }
{ "timestamp":"2022-11-09T08:24:05Z", "event":"MissionFailed", "Name":"Mission_HackMegaship_name", "MissionID":899075054 }