using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using EDPlayerJournal.BGS; namespace EliteBGS.LogGenerator; public class MissionFormat : LogFormatter { private string GenerateFailedLog(Objective objective) { var missions = objective.EnabledOfType<MissionFailed>(); if (missions.Count <= 0) { return ""; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); var grouping = missions .GroupBy(x => x.Mission.IsOnFoot) ; foreach (var group in grouping) { int amount = group.Count(); if (group.Key) { builder.AppendFormat("Failed {0} On Foot Mission(s)\n", amount); } else { builder.AppendFormat("Failed {0} Ship Mission(s)\n", amount); } } return builder.ToString().Trim(); } private string GenerateFailedSummary(Objective objective) { var missions = objective.EnabledOfType<MissionFailed>(); if (missions.Count <= 0) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new(); int onFootFails = missions.Where(x => x.Mission.IsOnFoot).Count(); int shipFails = missions.Where(x => !x.Mission.IsOnFoot).Count(); sb.Append("Fails: "); if (onFootFails > 0) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} Ground", onFootFails); } if (shipFails > 0) { if (onFootFails > 0) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.AppendFormat("{0} Ship", shipFails); } return sb.ToString(); } public string GenerateLog(Objective objective) { Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> collated = new(); Dictionary<string, ulong> passengers = new(); StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); long total_influence = 0; var missions = objective.EnabledOfType<MissionCompleted>(); var support = objective.EnabledOfType<InfluenceSupport>(); var failed = objective.EnabledOfType<MissionFailed>(); if ((missions == null || missions.Count == 0) && (support == null || support.Count == 0) && (failed == null || failed.Count == 0)) { return ""; } foreach (MissionCompleted m in missions) { if (!collated.ContainsKey(m.MissionName)) { collated[m.MissionName] = new Dictionary<string, int>(); } if (!collated[m.MissionName].ContainsKey(m.Influence)) { collated[m.MissionName][m.Influence] = 0; } ++collated[m.MissionName][m.Influence]; total_influence += m.Influence.Length; if (m.AcceptedEntry != null && m.AcceptedEntry.Mission != null && m.AcceptedEntry.Mission.IsPassengerMission) { if (!passengers.ContainsKey(m.MissionName)) { passengers[m.MissionName] = 0; } passengers[m.MissionName] += (m.AcceptedEntry.Mission.PassengerCount ?? 0); } } foreach (var mission in collated) { output.AppendFormat("{0}: ", mission.Key); output.Append("("); foreach (var influence in mission.Value.OrderBy(x => x.Key.Length)) { output.AppendFormat("Inf{0} x{1}, ", influence.Key, influence.Value); } output.Remove(output.Length - 2, 2); // remove last ", " output.Append(")"); if (passengers.ContainsKey(mission.Key)) { output.AppendFormat(" ({0} Passengers)", passengers[mission.Key]); } output.Append("\n"); } output.Append("\n"); // Handle failed missions, and add them to the log and influence tally string failedlog = GenerateFailedLog(objective); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(failedlog)) { output.Append(failedlog); output.Append("\n"); } total_influence += failed.Sum(x => x.InfluenceAmount); foreach (InfluenceSupport inf in support) { output.Append(inf.ToString()); output.Append("\n"); total_influence += inf.Influence.InfluenceAmount; } if (support.Count() > 0) { output.Append("\n"); } if (total_influence != 0) { output.AppendFormat("Total Influence: {0}", total_influence); } return output.ToString().Trim(); } public string GenerateSummary(Objective objective) { long influence = objective .EnabledOfType<MissionCompleted>() .Sum(x => x.Influence.Length) ; long support = objective .EnabledOfType<InfluenceSupport>() .Sum(x => x.Influence.InfluenceAmount) ; long failed = objective .EnabledOfType<MissionFailed>() .Sum(x => x.InfluenceAmount) ; if (influence == 0 && support == 0 && failed == 0) { return ""; } string failedsummary = GenerateFailedSummary(objective); string summary = string.Format("INF: {0}", influence + support + failed); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(failedsummary)) { string.Join("; ", summary, failedsummary); } return summary; } }