using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace EDPlayerJournal.Entries;
public class DockedEntry : Entry {
/// Name of the station
public string? StationName { get; set; }
/// Star system of the station
public string? StarSystem { get; set; }
/// System address
public ulong? SystemAddress { get; set; }
/// Faction owning the station.
public string? StationFaction { get; set; }
/// State of the station, new in Update 14
public string? StationState { get; set; }
protected override void Initialise() {
StationName = JSON.Value("StationName");
StarSystem = JSON.Value("StarSystem");
SystemAddress = JSON.Value("SystemAddress");
StationState = JSON.Value("StationState");
JObject? faction = JSON.Value("StationFaction");
if (faction != null) {
StationFaction = faction.Value("Name") ?? "";